You to the Moon

You to the Moon
Photo by Ganapathy Kumar / Unsplash

I became an optimist the day I learned about the Moon landing.

On a clear night with a visible full moon, my parents taught me how Ohioan Neil Armstrong was the first human to step foot on the Moon.

“Do you think I could go to the moon?” I asked my Mom. She said, “I believe you can do anything.”

The string of words pales in comparison with sincere delivery of them. Even if my goals seemed out of this world, having someone believe in me despite all odds made a world of difference.

You may not have an example of someone believing in you as explicit as my story, but chances are you’ve had someone believe in you in some form or fashion.

Whether it’s a job that pays you, a partner who cares about you, or a friend who’s asked you to help move furniture, those closest to us believe in us.